How Do You Know If Your Home Needs a Water Softener?

by | May 31, 2023

According to the California Water Resources Control Board, over 90% of the state has hard water. With statistics like that, there’s a good chance your home needs a water softener if you live anywhere in California.


What exactly IS hard water? Simply explained, it’s water with a high concentration of minerals, typically calcium and magnesium. The most surefire way to determine the presence or absence of hard water is with a water test as it will measure your water’s chemical makeup. However, there are visual signs you can look for, too.


6 Signs Your Home Needs a Water Softener

If you’ve been wondering whether or not your home needs a water softener, keep an eye out for any of the signs listed below. These are some of the most common things homeowners notice that indicate they could have hard water.


1. You notice scale buildup on fixtures.

Check your faucets, showerheads, and other water fixtures. Do you notice a white, chalky substance on them? If so, this is scale buildup, an accumulation caused by the heavy mineral content in hard water.


Scale buildup can be unsightly to look at and also very difficult to remove. But, a residential water softener can prevent the buildup from happening in the first place. That’s because soft water does NOT leave scaly deposits behind.


2. You see soap scum buildup or have difficulty lathering.

Have you noticed that you have to use a lot of dish soap or shampoo to get the lather you’re looking for? If so, this is one of the most common signs of hard water. It’s also a sign your home needs a water softener to fix the problem.


Hard water makes it challenging for soap to lather properly. It also makes it difficult to completely remove soap scum from dishes, glasses, shower walls, and bathroom fixtures. This can make cleaning or bathing frustrating and more difficult than they should be. You’ll also spend more money on soaps, detergents, and shampoos simply because you’ll use more of them when you have hard water.


3. Your laundry looks dingy after washing, even if it’s new.

We’ve already talked about how hard water can leave soap scum or scale on fixtures. It can also leave buildup and minerals behind on your clothing and other linens.


Hard water can make material appear dull, faded, or dingy even after washing. The minerals in the water can cause fabric fibers to become stiff, making it harder to achieve a clean and vibrant result.


4. You have dry skin and brittle hair or existing skin conditions get worse.

Hard water doesn’t just have negative impacts on fixtures and other surfaces. It can affect your body, too. Do you notice dry, itchy skin or dull, brittle hair after bathing or showering? If so, your water could be to blame.


Hard water can strip your skin and hair of natural oils, leaving you with dry, itchy skin and dull hair that easily breaks. Many people with existing skin conditions, such as psoriasis, also notice that hard water makes them worse.


5. You frequently get clogged pipes or notice reduced water flow.

If plumbing problems like these plague you all too frequently, there’s a good chance your home needs a water softener. Over time, mineral deposits from hard water build up inside pipes. This can lead to clogged pipes, restricted water flow, and reduced efficiency for water-using appliances. Installing a water softener in your home could be the simplest solution to your plumbing and water pressure problems.


6. You have to replace water-using appliances more frequently than you should.

There’s no question that hard water can wreak havoc throughout your home, but the negative effects are felt inside your appliances, too. Those that use water, such as dishwashers, water heaters, and washing machines, can be negatively affected by hard water. The most common results are:


  • Reduced efficiency
  • Increased energy consumption
  • Shortened lifespan


What does all that mean for YOU? In general, it means you’re going to spend more money on energy for these appliances AND you’re going to have to replace them more frequently.


When Your Home Needs a Water Softener, Talk to the Water Treatment Experts in Santa Cruz

At Conner Water Systems, we’ve been meeting the water treatment needs of Santa Cruz homes and businesses for over 60 years. And although we’re located in Santa Cruz, we provide water treatment services to Capitola, Live Oak, Rio Del Mar, Boulder Creek, Los Gatos, and surrounding cities.


With top quality products and Master Water Specialists on staff (the most advanced certification offered by the Water Quality Association), we have what it takes to ensure you get the high quality water you need and deserve. So, whether your home needs a water softener or you’re interested in another residential or commercial water treatment product, contact us today!

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