Beat the Heat: Why Soft Water is Essential for Summer Skin Care

by | Jul 31, 2024

Do you ever feel like your summer skin care routine is a little more difficult to keep up with versus other times of the year? If so, you’re not alone!


Many people notice the challenges of skin care during the summer, thanks in part to the hot weather and scorching sun. But did you know that the sun and high temperatures may not be the only things to blame? The water you’re using could make a significant difference, too. Let’s talk specifically about how your skin is affected if you’re washing with hard water.


4 Ways That Hard Water Impacts Skin Health

Regardless of your natural complexion and the skin care products you use, hard water can have a negative impact on your skin’s appearance and texture, especially during the summer. Here are the top ways that hard water interferes with skin health:


1. Hard water contributes to skin dehydration and dryness.

Hard water contains high mineral levels, typically calcium and magnesium. While these minerals are not usually harmful to ingest, their presence on your skin can strip away natural hydrating oils. This can leave your skin feeling dry and itchy, especially during the summer when heat and sun exposure naturally dry out your skin anyway.


2. Hard water minerals can clog pores.

Pores are small holes in your skin that have a variety of functions, including regulating body temperature and managing skin hydration. When you wash with hard water, the mineral deposits left behind clog these pores and prevent them from functioning properly. The result is increased acne, irritation, and skin dehydration. Even if you are diligent with your daily skin care routine, hard water can negate your efforts.


3. Hard water can increase skin irritation and sensitivity.

People with existing skin conditions, such as eczema or psoriasis, often find that hard water makes them worse. That’s because hard water residue builds up on the skin, contributing to itchiness and irritation that’s troublesome and uncomfortable.


4. Hard water interferes with the effectiveness of skin care products.

When breakouts occur or your skin gets dry and itchy, you might first think your skin care products are to blame. Even the highest quality cosmetics won’t be as effective if you’re washing with hard water, however. That’s because hard water minerals build up on your skin, creating a barrier that’s difficult for skin care products like moisturizers and cleansers to penetrate.


How Can Soft Water Enhance Your Summer Skin Care Routine?

As summer brings increased exposure to the sun, heat, and outdoor elements, maintaining healthy skin becomes more challenging. Soft water can be a game-changer for your summer skin care routine by:


  • Helping to combat heat and sun exposure – When you wash your skin with soft water, it helps to maintain and replenish your skin’s natural hydration. Hydrated skin is more resilient when exposed to hot summer temperatures and scorching sun rays.


  • Preventing and managing breakouts – Summer is already a challenging time for people who are prone to acne. That’s because you sweat more, making it more difficult to keep your skin’s pores clean and debris-free. Soft water can be a game-changer, preventing pore-clogging mineral buildup and keeping your skin clear.


  • Reducing irritation and discomfort – One of the easiest ways to stay cool during the summer is with a swim in the pool. That means exposing your skin to salt water or chlorinated water, however, both of which can irritate or dehydrate your skin. The good news is you don’t have to give up swimming. Simply take a shower in soft water after a dip in the pool and enjoy the soothing, hydrating effects of softened water!


  • Enhancing the absorption and effectiveness of your skin care products – Without the mineral residue left behind by hard water, your skin is free of barriers that would prevent absorption of moisturizers, cleansers, and other skin care products. This means the products you’re already paying for will be more effective. You might even be able to use less of them to get the desired effect, saving you money while keeping your skin even healthier.


Soft Water: The Essential Companion for Your Skin Care Routine All Year Long

Switching to soft water can make a significant difference in maintaining healthy, hydrated skin, especially during the summer. By reducing dryness, irritation, and enhancing the effectiveness of skin care products, soft water provides the support your skin needs to withstand the harsh summer conditions.


Why not do yourself a favor and make the switch to soft water today? Investing in a water softening system is not only beneficial for your skin. It can also make household cleaning easier, save you money on cleaning supplies, help your clothes last longer, and more. Whether your water comes from a municipal source or you have a private well, our water softeners can improve your household’s water quality.


Contact us today to explore your options and learn what soft water can do for you and your family!


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